If you have older equipment in your business, you may run into difficulty when it comes to finding the right bearings to keep it running. This means that when bearings are damaged, that machine will suffer from downtime, and it could be a long while before you find a replacement part, if you can find a replacement part at all. Bearing Services can help. We can provide bearing repair services to get those damaged bearings fixed and back in place to get your machinery back to work as quickly as possible. We offer services from small local shops to large international companies, and with more than 75 years of experience, you can trust that our services will produce the best possible results. In today’s post, we will discuss if bearing repair service is the right option for your machinery.
Is Bearing Repair the Right Option for You?
Before we do any repair work, we need to determine whether or not it’s possible to properly repair your bearings. In some instances, it’s just easier to replace the bearings, if they can be found on the market. For the other cases, it’s possible to repair or reclaim the bearings to keep the machinery running properly and effectively. The types of bearings that are more suitable for repair include those with a bore larger than 12 inches, expensive bearings with a price over $2000, or bearings that are difficult to find from suppliers because they are obsolete.
Our Bearing Repair Process
If we determine that repair is the right solution for your bearings, we can begin the process with you shipping the bearings to our repair center, so we can thoroughly inspect them. Most inspections are free of charge, and in the event that there is a fee for inspection, we will waive that fee if you proceed with the repair services you need. Once inspection is complete, we will have a full assessment of the damage that will help us determine the best plan and provide you with estimated cost and repair time for the project. Once you have approved the repair work, we will repair your bearings and ship them back to you in as little time as possible to help you get back on track.
Bearing Service has been the leading bearing repair service in the industry for almost 80 years. We have the experience and knowledge to handle any of your bearing repair needs, even if it means helping you find replacement parts for damage that cannot be repaired. Work with us, and you can rest assured that your production line will run profitably without any unfortunate downtime. Contact us and let us know how we can assist with your bearing repair needs.