There are several types of chain tools. Chain tools are often called beakers, pullers and separators. While they have different names and may look different, chain tools function with the same basic purpose. Chain tools are utilized to either remove a section of chain to shorten the overall length or to join two segments of chain to make the overall length longer. Chain tools are generally manufactured to fit a range of chain sizes. Common ranges include 25-60, 60-100 and 80-240.
A chain breaker is a chain tool designed to break a chain by extruding the pin from one of the links. This type chain tool is required for the removal and installation of chain for maintenance and replacement purposes by freeing up chain links. A chain puller is a tool that utilizes narrow shaped jaws, designed to fit in between chain links to enable the chain link to be removed or replaced. Bearing Service stocks several styles and sizes of chain tools. Please contact a Bearing Service representative for more information.
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